Source code for superdjango.conf



There are a large number of settings which control SuperDjango's behavior. A means of centralizing and documenting these
was desired.

.. note::
    Regarding the choice of django-appconf: Prior to SuperDjango 4, various approaches were used and all suffered from
    one problem or another. The django-appconf app rather nicely meets the need of centralizing settings, and (as of
    this writing) has 100% code coverage. However, should it need to be replaced, the source code is relatively
    straight-forward, and could be adapted and modernized if need be.

__author__ = "Shawn Davis <>"
__maintainer__ = "Shawn Davis <>"
__version__ = "4.1.1-d"

# Imports

from appconf import AppConf
from django.conf import settings
import os

# Classes

[docs]class General(AppConf): """General settings used by SuperDjango. To override or set the value of a general setting, add it to your ```` file with the ``SUPERDJANGO_`` prefix. For example: .. code-block:: python SUPERDJANGO_BASE_TEMPLATE = "base_site.html" """ AJAX_MODULE_NAME = "ajax" """The name of the module (or package) that contains code for automated integration of AJAX views.""" API_MODULE_NAME = "api" """The name of the module (or package) that contains code for automated Django REST Framework integration.""" BASE_TEMPLATE = "base.html" """The base template to extend.""" DATA_PATH = None """The path to data stored for the project or its apps.""" DATE_MASK = "%b %d, %Y" """The default `strftime() <>_` specification which should be used to format dates. """ DATETIME_MASK = "%b %d, %Y %I:%M%p" """The default `strftime() <>_` specification which should be used to format datetime objects. """ FORM_DEBUG = False """Indicates form debugging is enabled. Note: This must be included in the context; see ``superdjango.context_processors.settings_in_context``. """ HELP_ENABLED = "" in settings.INSTALLED_APPS """Used internally in SuperDjango UI templates. Indicates whether the support application is enabled.""" MARKDOWN_EXTENSIONS = ["extra"] """The extensions to be enabled when working with Markdown content. See """ PAGINATION_LIMIT = 10 """The default number of records to show in a list view.""" REDIRECT_KEY = "next" """The name of the GET key used to send a user to a URL after logging in.""" SCHEDULER_MODULE_NAME = "scheduler" """The module name for apps wishing to contribute jobs to ``superdjango.contrib.scheduler``.""" SCHEDULER_PATH = os.path.join(settings.BASE_DIR, "../config", "scheduler.ini") """The path to the scheduled jobs configuration.""" SSL_REQUIRED = not settings.DEBUG """Indicates whether UI views must be served via a secure connection. By default, SSL is required except for development. """ UPPERS = [ "api", "cname", "css", "hr", "html", "id", "imap", "inc", "llc", "pop3", "purl", "rss", "sla", "sms", "smtp", "ssl", "tcp", "tls", "url", "vip", "xml", ] """The default list of strings to be converted to upper case by SuperDjango's ``title()`` shortcut.""" USE_CDN = not settings.DEBUG """Indicates that SuperDjango's CDN should be used for static files, when available. The default is to use bundled files when ``DEBUG`` is ``True`` and the preferred CDN of the resource when ``DEBUG`` is ``False.`` """ WEBMASTER_EMAIL = "" """The email address from which site email will be sent.""" WEBMASTER_NAME = "Webmaster" """The name of the site's webmaster.""" class Meta: prefix = "superdjango"
[docs]class Internationalization(AppConf): COUNTRY_CHOICES = None """A choice list of ISO-3166-1 codes and country names.""" DEFAULT_COUNTRY_CODE = None """The default country code to use for ``CountryField``.""" DEFAULT_CURRENCY_CODE = None """The default currency code to use for ``CurrencyField``.""" TIMEZONE_CHOICES = None """A list of choices for time zone form fields.""" TIMEZONE_KEY = "django_time_zone" """The name of the session key used to store the user's time zone.""" class Meta: prefix = "superdjango_i18n"
[docs]class Support(AppConf): """Configuration for ````.""" MARKDOWN_EXTENSIONS = ["extra"] """A list of Markdown extensions to use when rendering support docs.""" PATH = os.path.join(settings.BASE_DIR, "../help") """The path to support content.""" REQUIRES_LOGIN = True """Indicates whether accessing support content requires an authenticated users.""" SEARCH_LOG_RESULTS = True """Indicates search results should be logged. Helps improve the search catalog.""" SEARCH_TERMS = list() """A list of terms that may be used to build the search catalog.""" URL = "/help/" """The URL where support content may be accessed.""" class Meta: prefix = "superdjango_support"
[docs]class User(AppConf): """User-related settings provided by SuperDjango.""" AUTO_CREATE_PROFILE = False """Indicates that a user profile instance should be created, if possible, when one does not already exist. Consider setting this to ``False`` while setting ``auto_create`` to ``True`` on your ``ProfileUpdate`` view. See profile views for an example. """ LOGIN_EXCLUDED_URLS = None """Include URLs that do not (or should not) require a log in when ``LoginRequiredMiddleware`` is enabled. Django's ``LOGIN_URL`` is added automatically. """ LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL = settings.LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL """The URL to which users are redirected (by default) after a successful login.""" LOGIN_REQUIRED = True """Indicates that an authenticated user is the default for accessing views.""" LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URL = "/" """The URL to which users are redirected after logging out.""" MAX_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS = None """The maximum number of login attempts (int) before a user account is locked.""" MAX_LOGIN_MINUTES = None """The number of minutes (int) between max login attempts.""" MAX_PASSWORD_RESET_ATTEMPTS = 3 """The maximum number of password reset attempts (int) before a user account is locked.""" MAX_PASSWORD_RESET_MINUTES = 30 """The number of minutes (int) between max password reset attempts.""" ORDER_USERS_BY = "first_name" """The field name by which to order user lists.""" PASSWORD_RESET_LOGIN = False """Indicates whether the user should be logged in after a password reset has been confirmed.""" PASSWORD_RESET_LOGGING_ENABLED = False """Indicates logging should be enabled for password reset attempts. Requires ``PASSWORD_RESET_MODEL``.""" PASSWORD_RESET_MODEL = None """The model used for logging password reset attempts in ``app_label.ModelName`` format.""" PASSWORD_RESET_USERNAME_ENABLED = False """When ``True``, the reset lookup will also attempt to find a given user name if one has been given.""" REDIRECT_TO_CHOICES = None """A list of Django choices used for the ``redirect_to`` dropdown of the ``ProfileModel``.""" REMEMBER_ME_ENABLED = False """Indicates whether "remember me" is presented on the login form.""" REMEMBER_ME_SECONDS = 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 """The number of seconds (int) a user's session should last when the remember me option is selected. Defaults to 30 days. """ SSO_SERVICE_URL = None """This is the service URL sent to the provider. The provider may need to be configured to accept this URL. When ``DEBUG`` is ``True``, it defaults to the development URL. Otherwise an ``ImproperlyConfigured`` is raised if this value is not defined. """ SSO_LINK_USER = False """When using the ``multisso`` app, this provides the option of connecting the user account with the record of the SSO provider. """ IMPERSONATION_ENABLED_FOR_GROUPS = None """Indicates user impersonation is available to users belonging to any of the group names in the list.""" IMPERSONATION_ENABLED_FOR_STAFF = True """Indicates user impersonation is available to ``is_staff`` users.""" IMPERSONATION_MODEL = None """The model used to log impersonation history.""" INVITATION_EXPIRATION = 10 * 24 * 60 * 60 """The number of days before a user invitation expires.""" INVITATION_LIMIT = None """The number of invitations that a user may send.""" INVITATION_MODEL = None """The model to use for user invitations.""" INVITATIONS_ENABLED = False """Indicates whether users are allowed to invite other users.""" INVITATION_GROUPS = None """A list of groups (names) into which a user will be placed upon accepting an invitation.""" PROFILE_MODEL = None """The model used for user profile in ``app_label.ModelName`` format.""" REGISTRATION_AFTER_URL = None """The URL to which a visitor will be directed after submitting a registration request.has been created. The default is the ``RegistrationSubmitted`` view. """ REGISTRATION_ALLOWED_DOMAINS = None """A list of the email domains that are recognized (allowed) for self-registration.""" REGISTRATION_APPROVAL_HOURS = 48 """The average number of hours (int) needed to manually approve registrations when approval is required. This may be displayed to users after sign-up. """ REGISTRATION_APPROVAL_REQUIRED = False """Indicates whether new registrations require admin approval.""" REGISTRATION_AUTO_LOGIN = True """Indicates a user should be logged in upon a successful (completed) registration.""" REGISTRATION_BEFORE_URL = None """The URL to which a visitor will be directed before a registration may be requested. For example, this could be used to direct the user to a Terms and Conditions page. The page should include a link to the ``RegistrationCreate`` view that includes ``reg=1`` in the URL. """ REGISTRATION_BODY = None """The body of the email message sent to visitors upon new user account registration. If omitted, the standard template is used. """ REGISTRATION_CONFIRMATION_BODY = None """The body of the email message sent to visitors upon new user account registration. If omitted, the standard template is used. """ REGISTRATION_CONFIRMATION_REQUIRED = True """Indicates whether new user registrations require user confirmation. This invokes the Confirmation Workflow.""" REGISTRATION_CONFIRMATION_SUBJECT_LINE = None """The subject line of the email message sent to visitors upon new user account registration. If omitted, the standard template is used. """ REGISTRATION_DECLINED_BODY = None """The body of the email message sent when a registration is declined. ``REGISTRATION_APPROVAL_REQUIRED`` must be ``True``. If omitted, the default template is used. """ REGISTRATION_DECLINED_SUBJECT = None """the subject line of the declined registration email. If omitted, the default template is used.""" REGISTRATION_DISABLED_MESSAGE =None """The message to display when registration is currently disabled.""" REGISTRATION_DISABLED_URL = "/" """The URL to which a visitor will be directed upon attempting to register an account when registration is currently disabled. This defaults to the ``RegistrationDisabled`` view if enabled. """ REGISTRATION_ENABLED = False """Allows visitors to sign up for user accounts.""" REGISTRATION_EXPIRES_AFTER_DAYS = 7 """The number of days (int) a registration remains valid after it is sent.""" REGISTRATION_FORM = None """The form to use for user registrations.""" REGISTRATION_GROUPS = None """A list of group names to which the user should be assigned upon successful (completed) registration.""" REGISTRATION_MODEL = None """The model (in the form of ``app_label.ModelName``) to use when registration approvals are required.""" REGISTRATION_OPEN_DATE = None """The date upon which user registration will again be allowed.""" REGISTRATION_OPEN_URL = None """The URL where a user may be notified (or request notification) when registration is available. This might be a page or a sign-up form. """ REGISTRATION_REDIRECT_URL = None """the URL to which a new user will directed after confirming a registration. The default is the ``RegistrationComplete`` view.""" REGISTRATION_SALT = "registration" """The salt to use for creating activation keys.""" REGISTRATION_SUBJECT_LINE = None """The subject line of the email message sent to visitors upon new user account registration. If omitted, the standard template is used. """ class Meta: prefix = "superdjango_user"
[docs]class DynamicSettingsWrapper(object): """Facilitates the acquisition of settings dynamically, by wrapping ````. This class is automatically instantiated as ``SUPERDJANGO``, which makes the following example possible: .. code-block:: python from superdjango.conf import SUPERDJANGO class Login(LoginView): def get_form_class(self): if SUPERDJANGO.USER_REMEMBER_ME_ENABLED: return AuthenticationForm return DefaultAuthenticationForm Under the hood, ``SUPERDJANGO.USER_REMEMBER_ME_ENABLED`` is simply understood as ``getattr(settings, "SUPERDJANGO_USER_REMEMBER_ME_ENABLED")``. .. note:: This is either really clever or really stupid. """ def __getattr__(self, item): item = "SUPERDJANGO_%s" % item.upper() return getattr(settings, item, None) # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
[docs] def get(self, name, default=None, prefix="SUPERDJANGO"): """Get the named value from ````. :param name: The name of the setting. :type name: str :param default: The default value. :param prefix: The prefix to apply to the name of the setting. :type prefix: str """ if prefix: name = "%s_%s" % (prefix, name) name = name.upper() return getattr(settings, name, default)
# noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
[docs] def has(self, name, prefix="SUPERDJANGO"): """Indicates whether the named value exists ```` *and* has a value. :param name: The name of the setting. :type name: str :param prefix: The prefix to apply to the name of the setting. :type prefix: str """ if prefix: name = "%s_%s" % (prefix, name) name = name.upper() if hasattr(settings, name) and getattr(settings, name) is not None: return True return False
SUPERDJANGO = DynamicSettingsWrapper()