Source code for superdjango.contrib.accounts.passwords.models

Abstract models related to password management.


# Imports

from django.conf import settings
from django.db import models
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from superdjango.db.datetime.fields import AutoNowAddDateTimeField

# Exports

__all__ = (

# Constants


# Models

[docs]class PasswordResetHistoryModel(models.Model): """Record password reset attempts.""" added_dt = AutoNowAddDateTimeField( _("added date/time"), help_text=_("Date and time the record was created."), ) email = models.EmailField( _("email"), db_index=True, help_text=_("The email address of the requested attempt.") ) http_accept = models.CharField( _("HTTP accept"), blank=True, help_text=_("The HTTP accept header of the requested attempt."), max_length=1025 ) ip_address = models.GenericIPAddressField( _("ip address"), blank=True, help_text=_("The IP address of the visitor."), null=True ) success = models.BooleanField( _("success"), help_text=_("Indicates a matching user was found.") ) user_agent = models.CharField( _("user agent"), blank=True, help_text=_("The user agent of the requested attempt."), max_length=255, ) username = models.CharField( _("username"), blank=True, help_text=_("The user name to which the reset pertains."), max_length=255 ) class Meta: abstract = True def __str__(self): return self.label @property def label(self): """Get a label for the record. :rtype: str """ a = list() a.append(self.added_dt) a.append( if self.username: a.append("(%s)" % self.username) return " ".join(a)