Source code for superdjango.contrib.i18n.countries.descriptors

These descriptors are generic classes that pertain to various aspects of country data. The class names match the
section names of the INI file used to store the data.
# Imports

from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe

# Exports

__all__ = (

# Classes

[docs]class Addressing(object): """A descriptor for country address specifications."""
[docs] def __init__(self, code, **kwargs): """Initialize and address specification. :param code: The two-character ISO-3166 country code. :type code: str :param city_field_name: The name of the form or database field. :param city_label: The name equivalent of cities for the country. For example, *locality*. :param city_required: Indicates that the city field is typically required for an address to be valid. :param fields: A dictionary of field names and field widgets or field clasess to use for forms. :param postal_code_field_name: The name of the form or database field. :param postal_code_label: The name equivalent of postal code for the country. For example, *ZIP code*. :param postal_code_required: Indicates that the postal code field is required for an address to be valid. :param regions: A list of regions that may be used as choices. See ``has_regions``. :param state_field_name: The name of the form or database field. :param state_label: The name equivalent of states for the country. For example, *province*. :param state_required: Indicates that the state field is typically required for an address to be valid. param states: A list of states that may be used as choices. See ``has_states``. """ self.city_field_name = kwargs.pop("city_field_name", None) self.city_label = kwargs.pop("city_label", None) self.city_required = kwargs.pop("city_required", False) self.code = code self.fields = kwargs.pop("fields", dict()) self.postal_code_field_name = kwargs.pop("postal_code_field_name", None) self.postal_code_label = kwargs.pop("postal_code_label", None) self.postal_code_required = kwargs.pop("postal_code_required", False) self.regions = kwargs.pop("regions", None) self.state_field_name = kwargs.pop("state_field_name", None) self.state_label = kwargs.pop("state_label", None) self.state_required = kwargs.pop("state_required", False) self.states = kwargs.pop("states", None)
@property def has_regions(self): """Indicates the country has administrative divisions apart from states. :rtype: bool """ return len(self.regions) > 0 @property def has_states(self): """Indicates the country has administrative or legal divisions such as states, provinces, etc. :rtype: bool """ return len(self.states) > 0
[docs]class Codes(object): """A collection of country codes."""
[docs] def __init__(self, fips=None, iso2=None, iso3=None, ison=None, phone=None, stanag=None, tld=None): """Keyword arguments are the various possible codes. :param fips: The FIPs code. :param iso2: The two-character ISO-3166 code. :param iso3: The three-character ISO-3166 code. :param ison: The ISON code. :param phone: The country code for phone calls. :param stanag: The STANAG code. :param tld: The top-level domain code. """ self.fips = fips self.iso2 = iso2 self.iso3 = iso3 self.ison = ison = phone self.stanag = stanag self.tld = tld
[docs]class Country(object): """A country descriptor. This descriptor incorporates various attributes and sub-objects to represent a country. Example: .. code-block:: python from superdjango.contrib.i18n.countries import country_factory country = country_factory("UY") print( **Attributes** Some, but rarely all, of the following properties are available: - ``capital``: The capital city of the country. - ``comment``: Any comment regarding the country data. - ``code``: The two-character ISO 3166 code. - ``name``: The country name. **Objects** More complex objects are used to represent additional data. - ``address`` is an instance of :py:class:`Address`. - ``codes`` is an instance of :py:class:`Codes`. - ``currency`` is an instance of :py:class:`Currency`. - ``languages`` a list of :py:class:`Language`` instances. - ``wiki`` is an instance of :py:class:`Wiki`. **Flags** The ``flag`` and ``icon`` properties may be used to display the country's flag. For convenience, CSS and images have been bundled from: """
[docs] def __init__(self, code, **kwargs): """Initialize a country. :param code: The two-character ISO-3166 code of the country. :type code: str """ self.addressing = kwargs.pop("addressing", None) = kwargs.pop("capital", None) self.code = code = kwargs.pop("codes", Codes(iso2=code)) self.comment = kwargs.pop("comment", None) self.currency = kwargs.pop("currency", None) self.geography = kwargs.pop("geography", None) self.languages = kwargs.pop("languages", None) = kwargs.pop("name", None) self.regions = kwargs.pop("regions", None) self.states = kwargs.pop("states", None) = kwargs.pop("wiki", None)
def __repr__(self): return "<%s %s:%s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.code, def __str__(self): return @property def flag(self): """Get the URL for the country's flag image. :rtype: str This is intended for use with the static template tag: .. code-block:: python {% static country.flag %} """ return "i18n/flags/images/4x3/%s.svg" % self.code.lower() @property def icon(self): """Get the flag as an HTML icon. :rtype: str .. note:: This requires that you include ``i18n/flags/css/flag-icon.css`` (or ``flag-icon.min.css``) in your template. """ return mark_safe('<span class="flag-icon flag-icon-%s"></span>' % self.code.lower())
[docs]class Geography(object): """A descriptor for regions, sub-regions, or intermediate regions into which countries are organized. .. tip:: Do not confuse the terminology with regions in address specification. """
[docs] def __init__(self, code, name): self.code = code self.intermediate = None = name self.sub = None
[docs]class Wiki(object): """A descriptor for country Wiki URLs. **Attributes** A wiki instance may include 2 properties; ``capital`` is URL of the country's capital, while ``country`` is the URL of the country page. """
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize a Wikipedia descriptor. :param capital: The capital URL of the country. :type capital: str :param country: The country URL. :type country: str """ = kwargs.pop("capital", None) = kwargs.pop("country", None)