Source code for superdjango.html.templatetags.html_tags

# Imports

from django import template
from django.conf import settings
from django.forms.utils import flatatt
from hashlib import md5
from superdjango.html.shortcuts import parse_template
from superdjango.html.utils import get_field_template, get_field_type, get_input_type, is_required_field, HTMLFramework

register = template.Library()

# Exports

__all__ = (

# Tags

[docs]@register.filter def attr_of(instance, name): """Get the value of an attribute from a given instance. :param instance: The instance. :param name: The attribute name. :type name: str """ if type(instance) is dict: try: return instance[name] except KeyError: return None return getattr(instance, name, None)
[docs]@register.filter def field_template(instance): """Get the template for a given field instance.""" return get_field_template(instance)
[docs]@register.filter def field_type(instance): """Get the type of field for the given field instance.""" return get_field_type(instance)
[docs]@register.filter def flatten(attributes): """An alias for Django's ``flatatt`` because I can never remember that name for some reason. Although, I probably will now since I've created an alias for it. """ return flatatt(attributes)
[docs]@register.simple_tag def gravatar(user, size=60): """Get the Gravatar for the given user.""" encoded_email ="utf-8") email_hash = md5(encoded_email).hexdigest() return "" % (email_hash, size)
[docs]@register.simple_tag(takes_context=True) def html(context, path, **kwargs): """Get HTML for the given path.""" if not path.endswith(".html"): path += ".html" # Get the full path to the template. if not path.startswith("html/"): path = "html/" + path # The context argument is a RequestContext which is *not* a dictionary, but a contains a list of dictionaries that # is iterable. To pass the context, we need to process each dictionary. _context = dict() for d in context: _context.update(d) # Add keyword arguments passed to the tag. These are specific to the template being loaded. _context.update(kwargs) # Return the output of the template. return parse_template(path, _context)
[docs]@register.filter def index_of(obj, index): """Get the value from the given index. :param obj: A list or tuple. :type obj: list | tuple :param index: The index to return. :type index: int """ try: return obj[index] except IndexError: if settings.DEBUG: raise
[docs]@register.filter def input_type(field): """Get the type of field (in lower case).""" return get_input_type(field).lower()
[docs]@register.filter def is_required(field): """Indicates whether a form field is required.""" return is_required_field(field)
[docs]@register.filter def nlbr(text): """Replace new lines with a br tag.""" return text.replace("\n", "<br/>")
[docs]@register.filter def replace(text, from_string, to_string): """Replace a string.""" return text.replace(from_string, to_string)
[docs]@register.simple_tag(takes_context=True) def url_query_string(context, skip=None): """Return the request query string.""" if "request" not in context: return "" request = context['request'] _skip = list() if skip is not None: for i in skip.split(","): _skip.append(i.strip()) url = list() for key, value in request.GET.items(): if key in _skip: continue url.append("%s=%s" % (key, value)) if len(url) == 0: return "" elif len(url) == 1: return "&" + "".join(url) else: return "&" + "&".join(url)