Source code for superdjango.views.base

# Imports

from django.http import Http404
from django.template.response import TemplateResponse
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from django.views.generic import View as GenericView
from superdjango.assets.library import JavaScript, StyleSheet
from superdjango.conf import SUPERDJANGO
from superdjango.exceptions import IMustBeMissingSomething

__all__ = (

# Views

[docs]class BaseView(GenericView): """A mixin for establishing core functionality for all views.""" active_page = None """The name of the active page that may be used to identify the current view within a menu.""" active_subpage = None """The name of the active subpage that may be used to identify the current view within a submenu.""" base_template_name = SUPERDJANGO.BASE_TEMPLATE """The base template to extend.""" css = None """A list of CSS markup elements that maybe added to the output. See ``get_css()``.""" js = None """A list of JavaScript markup elements that maybe added to the output. See ``get_js()``.""" raise_exception = False """Indicates whether exceptions should be raised during processing or mitigated, if possible.""" subtitle = None """The subtitle of the page.""" template_name = None """The name of the template to use for rendering the view.""" title = None """The title of the page.""" # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
[docs] def dispatch_not_found(self, message=None): """Dispatch a 404 (page not found) error. By default, this just raises an ``Http404``. :param message: The 404 message. """ if message is None: message = _("This page could not be located.") raise Http404(message)
[docs] def get_base_template(self): """Get the name of the base template to use for rendering the view. :rtype: str """ if self.base_template_name is not None: return self.base_template_name raise IMustBeMissingSomething(self.__class__.__name__, "base_template_name", "get_base_template")
[docs] def get_css(self): """Get the URLs or markup of any CSS to be included in the view. :rtype: Style """ if self.css is not None: return self.css return StyleSheet()
[docs] def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): """Uses keyword arguments as the base context and adds the current view instance as ``view``. :rtype: dict The following variables are added to the context: - ``active_page``: The identifier for the active menu item. - ``active_subpage``: The identifier for the active sub-menu item. - ``base_template``: The template to extend, i.e. ``{% extends base_template %}``. - ``subtitle``: The subtitle of the page. - ``title``: The title of the page. - ``view``: The current view instance. - ``view_css``: A Style instance. - ``view_js``: A JavaScript instance. """ kwargs['active_page'] = self.active_page kwargs['active_subpage'] = self.active_subpage kwargs['base_template'] = self.get_base_template() kwargs['subtitle'] = self.get_subtitle() kwargs['title'] = self.get_title() kwargs['view'] = self kwargs['view_css'] = self.get_css() kwargs['view_js'] = self.get_js() return kwargs
[docs] def get_js(self): """Get the URLs or markup of any JavaScript to be included in the view. :rtype: JavaScript """ if self.js is not None: return self.js return JavaScript()
[docs] def get_subtitle(self): """Get the page subtitle. :rtype: str """ if self.subtitle is not None: return self.subtitle return ""
[docs] def get_template_names(self): """Get the name of the template used to render the response. :rtype: list[str] """ if self.template_name is not None: return [self.template_name] raise IMustBeMissingSomething(self.__class__.__name__, "template_name", "get_template_names")
[docs] def get_title(self): """Get the page title. :rtype: str """ if self.title is not None: return self.title return ""
[docs] def render_to_response(self, context): """Render the current context. :param context: The context variables to use for rendering. :rtype: TemplateResponse """ # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences return TemplateResponse(self.request, self.get_template_names(), context=context)