Source code for superdjango.views.images

# Imports

from django.conf import settings
from .templates import TemplateView

# Exports

__all__ = (

# Views

[docs]class ImageView(TemplateView): """Generic view for displaying images in full-screen. **Configuration** Add ``superdjango.assets.apps.DefaultConfig`` to ``INSTALLED_APPS``. **Usage** Create a view that extends ``ImageView``: .. code-block:: python # from superdjango.ui.views import ImageView class MyImage(ImageView): pattern_name = "display_image" pattern_value = "images/" .. tip:: For more control over the template, set the ``template_name`` on your view. See the provided ``image_view.html`` for an example. You may call your view in a template, passing the following parameters via GET: - ``i`` (required): The URL of the image. - ``t`` (optional): A title for the image. - ``z`` (optional): Set to ``1`` to enable zoom. Default is ``0`` (disabled). For example, assuming you've defined a model with an ``image`` field: .. code-block:: html # template.html <img src="{{ object.image.url }}" class="thumbnail"> <p> <a href="{% url "display_image" %}?i={{ object.image.url }}&t={{ object.title|urlencode }}" target="_blank"> {% trans "Full Screen" %} </a> </p> The provided ``image_view.html`` template extends ``SUPERDJANAGO_BASE_TEMPLATE_NAME`` and expects the following template code to exist in that template. .. code-block:: html {% if view_css %} {% for html in view_css %} {{ html }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if view_js %} {% for html in view_js %} {{ html }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} """ template_name = "superdjango/views/image_view.html"
[docs] def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): """Get context for viewing the image. - ``image``: The image (URL) to be displayed. - ``title``: A title to be displayed above the image. - ``zoom_enabled``: Indicates whether zoom should be enabled for the image. """ context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs) default_image = "%superdjango/views/images/image-not-found.jpg" % settings.STATIC_URL context['image'] = self.request.GET.get("i", default_image) context['title'] = self.request.GET.get("t", "") context['zoom_enabled'] = self.request.GET.get("z", False) return context