Source code for superdjango.views.redirects

# Imports

from django.views.generic import RedirectView as DjangoRedirectView
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from superdjango.exceptions import IMustBeMissingSomething
from .messages import MessageMixin
from .templates import TemplateView

# Exports

__all__ = (

# Views

[docs]class CallbackRedirectView(DjangoRedirectView): """Allows the specification of a redirect callback when the view is created.""" redirect_callback = None """A callable that is used to issue the redirect. It should accept a request argument and return an ``HTTPResponseRedirect``. """
[docs] def get_redirect_callback(self): """Get the redirect callback function.""" if self.redirect_callback is None or not callable(self.redirect_callback): raise IMustBeMissingSomething(self.__class__.__name__, "redirect_callback", "get_redirect_callback") return self.redirect_callback
[docs] def get_redirect_url(self, *args, **kwargs): """Attempt to issue a redirect using the provided callback.""" callback = self.get_redirect_callback() return callback(self.request)
[docs]class CountRedirectView(MessageMixin, DjangoRedirectView): """Logs a "hit" before redirecting.""" counter_callback = None """A callable that may be used to the activity. If defined, the callback is passed the request instance and redirect URL, as in ``callback(request, url)``. """
[docs] def get_counter_callback(self): """Get the callable, if any, that may be used to record model activity. .. tip:: No error is raised if the ``counter_callback`` does not exist or is not callable. """ if self.counter_callback is not None and callable(self.counter_callback): return self.counter_callback return None
[docs] def get_redirect_url(self, *args, **kwargs): """Execute callback before returning the redirect URL.""" redirect_url = super().get_redirect_url(*args, **kwargs) callback = self.get_counter_callback() if callback is not None: callback(self.request, redirect_url) return redirect_url
[docs]class DelayedRedirectView(MessageMixin, TemplateView): """Redirect the user after a delay.""" countdown_enabled = True """Indicates whether a countdown should be displayed.""" delayed_seconds = 5 """The number of seconds to wait before issuing the redirect.""" redirect_url = None """The URL to which the user should be redirected.""" template_name = "superdjango/views/delayed_redirect.html" """The default template to use for the redirect page."""
[docs] def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): """Add delayed redirect variables to the context. - ``countdown_enabled`` - ``delayed_seconds`` - ``redirect_url`` """ context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs) context['countdown_enabled'] = self.countdown_enabled context['delayed_seconds'] = self.delayed_seconds context['redirect_url'] = self.get_redirect_url() return context
[docs] def get_redirect_url(self): """Get the URL to which the user should be redirected. :rtype: str """ if self.redirect_url is not None: return self.redirect_url raise IMustBeMissingSomething(self.__class__.__name__, "redirect_url", "get_redirect_url")
[docs] def get_title(self): """Get the default title.""" if self.title is not None: return self.title return _("Redirect")
[docs]class RedirectView(MessageMixin, DjangoRedirectView): """A redirect view which incorporates message functionality.""" pass