development area

A collection of resources for creating a user interface, similar to the Django admin, but for users.

Version: 4.0.0-d



Utilizing the UI system requires several additional setup steps.

You must first decide whether you want to load UI configurations automatically, or manage them manually.


It is possible to use the built-in UI site with either manually or automatically added configurations. It is also possible to use the built-in UI site with additional manually created sites.

The settings to be added are:

  • The UI app must be added to use automatic configuration.

  • An HTML framework must be selected.

  • Context processors will need to be included in template settings.

  • The form renderer must be overridden.

Here is an excerpt from an example settings.py:

# settings.py
    # ...

        # ...
        'OPTIONS': {
            'context_processors': [
                # ...
FORM_RENDERER = 'django.forms.renderers.TemplatesSetting'

The urls.py file is the next thing to be updated.

  • Include site URLs.

  • For translation of UI JavaScript files, the JavaScriptCatalog must also be added.

# urls.py
# ...
from django.views.i18n import JavaScriptCatalog
from superdjango.ui import site
# ...

urlpatterns = [
    # ...
    path('jsi18n/assets/', JavaScriptCatalog.as_view(packages=['superdjango.assets']), name='sd-javascript-catalog'),
    # Use apps/ (or whatever) or "" if the site is to serve all other URLs.
    path('apps/', include(site.get_urls())),

Then include the catalog URL in your base template:

<!-- this MUST come before form.media -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="{% url 'sd-javascript-catalog' %}"></script>

{% if form %}{{ form.media }}{% endif %}


development configuration

Version: 0.5.0-d

Constants used within the UI.

Developer Reference: Constants


  • Constants

Various constants are used throughout the UI to maintain consistency and reduce the possibility of errors. In some cases, changing the behavior of the UI requires the use of a value represented by a constant. When this is required, you are strongly encouraged to use the appropriate constant rather than a “raw” variable.


List filters may make use of constants to manage the orientation and style of filters presented to the user.


List constants refer to the “mode” of output and also pagination style.


Location constants refer to an area of the rendered page where something should be displayed. While built-in templates seek to honor a specified location, the output will in some cases still depend upon the theme’s handling of layout.


Horizontal or vertical orientation of output elements.


Various indicators for the relative size of an element rendered on a page.


USER helps identify the type or user.

  • ALL: All (or any) user.

  • CUSTOMER: A paying customer.

  • NORMAL: A normal user.

  • ROOT is an administrator or superuser.

  • STAFF a staff user.


Standard verbs/actions.

Context Processors

development library

Version: 0.3.0-d

Context processors for the UI

Developer Reference: Context Processors



development library

Version: 0.7.1-d

UI resources, once configured, may be transferred or output as runtime instances.

Developer Reference: Options


  • bleach (suggested) Used UI controls that deal with HTML output.

  • markdown (suggested) Used for the MarkdownControl.


development library

Version: 0.2.0-d

UI resources, once configured, may be transferred or output as runtime instances.

Developer Reference: Runtime


Runtime resources are utilized internally by SuperDjango UI and may be rarely used in development.


development library

Version: 0.8.0-d

Class-based views initialized for the UI

Developer Reference: Views

