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1# Exports
3__all__ = (
4 "python_to_js",
7# Functions
10def python_to_js(value):
11 """Convert the given value to the most appropriate JavaScript output."
13 :param value: The Python value to be converted to JavaScript.
14 :type value: bool | dict | float | int | list | str | tuple
16 :rtype: str
17 :raise: ValueError
19 """
20 if type(value) is bool:
21 if value is True:
22 return "true"
24 return "false"
25 elif type(value) is dict:
27 keys = list()
28 for key in value.keys():
29 keys.append(key)
31 a = list()
32 for key in keys:
33 _value = value[key]
35 if type(_value) is dict:
36 output = '%s: {' % key
37 output += python_to_js(value[key])
38 output += "}"
39 else:
40 output = '%s: %s' % (key, python_to_js(_value))
42 a.append(output)
44 return ", ".join(a)
45 elif type(value) is float:
46 return str(value)
47 elif type(value) is int:
48 return str(value)
49 elif type(value) in (list, tuple):
50 return str(value)
51 elif type(value) is str:
52 return '"%s"' % value
53 else:
54 raise ValueError("Unsupported value for Python to JS conversion: %s" % type(value))