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1# Imports
3from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
4from superdjango import ui
5from .models import Category, Notification, NotificationUser, UserPreferences
7# Exports
9__all__ = (
10 "CategoryUI",
11 "NotificationUI",
12 "NotificationsMenu",
13 "NotificationUserUI",
16# Models
19class CategoryUI(ui.ModelUI):
20 """A user interface for notification category lookups."""
21 model = Category
23 controls = {
24 'is_enabled': ui.controls.BooleanControl(align="center", css_icon=True),
25 'value': ui.controls.SlugControl(from_field="label"),
26 }
28 detail_options = ui.DetailOptions(
29 "label",
30 "value",
31 "abbr",
32 "description",
33 "is_enabled",
34 )
35 form_options = ui.ModelFormOptions(
36 "label",
37 "value",
38 "abbr",
39 "description",
40 "is_enabled",
41 )
42 list_options = ui.ListOptions(
43 "label",
44 "abbr",
45 "is_enabled",
46 filtering=ui.Filtering("is_enabled"),
47 link_field="label"
48 )
51class NotificationUI(ui.ModelUI):
52 """A user interface for user notifications."""
53 model = Notification
55 controls = {
56 'email_enabled': ui.controls.BooleanControl(align="center", css_icon=True),
57 'html_enabled': ui.controls.BooleanControl(align="center", css_icon=True),
58 'is_mandatory': ui.controls.BooleanControl(align="center", css_icon=True),
59 'is_promoted': ui.controls.BooleanControl(align="center", css_icon=True),
60 'sms_enabled': ui.controls.BooleanControl(align="center", css_icon=True),
61 }
63 detail_options = ui.DetailOptions(
64 "subject",
65 "added_dt",
66 "category",
67 "body",
68 "body_sms",
69 "level",
70 "icon_override",
71 "users",
72 "is_mandatory",
73 "is_promoted",
74 "html_enabled",
75 "email_enabled",
76 "sms_enabled",
77 "stage",
78 "has_been_sent",
79 "sent_dt",
80 "action_url",
81 "action_text",
82 )
83 form_options = ui.ModelFormOptions(
84 "subject",
85 "category",
86 "body",
87 "body_sms",
88 "level",
89 "icon_override",
90 "users",
91 "is_mandatory",
92 "is_promoted",
93 "html_enabled",
94 "email_enabled",
95 "sms_enabled",
96 "action_url",
97 "action_text",
98 )
99 list_options = ui.ListOptions(
100 "subject",
101 "added_dt",
102 "category",
103 "level",
104 "users"
105 "is_mandatory",
106 "is_promoted",
107 "html_enabled",
108 "email_enabled",
109 "sms_enabled",
110 "stage",
111 "has_been_sent",
112 "sent_dt",
113 filtering=ui.Filtering(
114 "category",
115 "level",
116 "is_mandatory",
117 "is_promoted",
118 "stage",
119 ),
120 link_field="subject"
121 )
124class NotificationUserUI(ui.ModelUI):
125 """User interface for the user notification log."""
126 model = NotificationUser
128 controls = {
129 'has_been_viewed': ui.controls.BooleanControl(align="center", css_icon=True),
130 'sent_email': ui.controls.BooleanControl(align="center", css_icon=True),
131 'sent_sms': ui.controls.BooleanControl(align="center", css_icon=True),
132 }
134 detail_options = ui.DetailOptions(
135 "notification",
136 "user",
137 "has_been_viewed",
138 "viewed_dt",
139 "sent_email",
140 "sent_sms",
141 )
142 list_options = ui.ListOptions(
143 "notification",
144 "user",
145 "has_been_viewed",
146 "viewed_dt",
147 "sent_email",
148 "sent_sms",
149 filtering=ui.Filtering(
150 "has_been_viewed",
151 "user",
152 "sent_email",
153 "sent_sms"
154 ),
155 record_actions=[ui.VERB.DETAIL, ui.VERB.DELETE]
156 )
158# Menus
161class NotificationsMenu(ui.Menu):
162 icon = "fas fa-comment-alt"
163 items = [
164 NotificationUI,
165 NotificationUserUI,
166 ui.MenuSeparator(),
167 CategoryUI,
168 ]
169 label = _("Notifications")
170 prefix = "notifications"